LIFE 2024 makes €571 million available for projects in the field of nature, environment and climate change.
The calls for LIFE 2024 project proposals are now open, with €571 million available. It is the largest European financial mechanism dedicated exclusively to action in the fields of environment protection, nature conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation. LIFE supports innovative and effective projects with demonstrable impacts and best practices that can be replicated and scaled up elsewhere in Europe.
Potential applicants can apply for standard Action Projects (Nature and Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Quality of Life, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Clean Energy Transition, New European Bauhaus and Environmental Governance), Coordination and Support Grants in the field of Clean Energy Transition and Strategic Integrated Projects. The first submission deadlines are in September 2024, with a Slovenian LIFE Info Day planned for June.
Potential applicants can apply for the following projects:
Standard Action Projects:
- Nature and Biodiversity (€155 million),
- Circular Economy and Quality of Life (€65 million),
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation (€61.98 million),
- Clean Energy Transition (€4 million),
- the new European Bauhaus (€8 million),
- Environmental governance (€10 million).
Coordination and support grants:
- Clean Energy Transition (€77 million).
- Strategic Integrated Projects (€150 million).
Eligible applicants: companies, academic institutions, national, regional and local governments and NGOs working in the EU in the field of nature conservation, environmental protection, climate change or clean energy transition. LIFE supports innovative and effective projects with demonstrable impacts and best practices that can be replicated and scaled up elsewhere in Europe. LIFE project applications can be submitted by one or several organisations working with other European partners – please check carefully the description of the funding theme you wish to apply for.
More: LIFE Calls for proposals 2024 – European Commission (